Wine Country of Chile – Santa Cruz

The Colchagua Valley, located roughly 110 miles south of Santiago, is routinely recognized by wine enthusiasts as one of the best known wine regions in the world.  With the valley containing some of the premier vineyards throughout Chile, I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend in one of them – the beautiful, historic town of Santa Cruz.

The drive from Santiago alone gives you the sense of how far out in the country you’re really going, and a sense of the history you are about to embark on.  Once you arrive near the town, you begin to truly see the small commune as it really is, a town that prides itself on agriculture, crafts, and of course… wine.

Hotel Vino Bello

Hotel Vino Bello

I had the pleasure of staying the night at a relaxing bed and breakfast named Hotel Vino Bello, and would recommend it to anyone visiting the area looking for quality accommodations with stunning views of local vineyards.  By the name, you can tell it is a bed and breakfast of Italian origin, but is located close to many other Chilean hotels and restaurants if you’re looking to try something more native. However, I strongly encourage you to try out both the Hotel Vino Bello bed and breakfast, as well as the Ristorante Vino Bello located nearby.

Created by Executive Chef Giovanna Vanni, Ristorante Vino Bello features some of the most authentic and delicious Italian dishes I’ve ever had.  Not to mention, the dishes pair perfectly with a vast selection of wine choices or the ever popular, Pisco Sour.  A delicious Italian meal, accompanied by a bottle of wine and an amazing view – I think my exact line was, “If I died and went to Heaven, this is what it would be.”

Wine Country Of Chile

Wine Country Of Chile

About 15 minutes away from the center of Santa Cruz sit hills adorned with historic statues and even more amazing views of the vineyards and land.  Take a trip up any of the hills, smell the fresh air of the green grass below, and gaze upon endless miles of how this Earth is truly supposed to look.  What more can I say that the picture on the left can’t say for me.  If you’re looking for a weekend trip similar to that of Napa Valley, California or Champagne, France, look no further than Santa Cruz, Chile.