


My name is Matt.  Born in Los Angeles and raised in Dallas, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel around the United States quite extensively with my parents at a young age.  I have photo albums of vacations to wonderful places around the country and I’m very thankful for all the historic and fun-filled trips my parents took me on as a child.  Unfortunately, I have not traveled much since then and feel like I’m missing out on what the rest of the world has to offer.

So how have I decided to solve that problem?  By embarking on an adventure around the world, not really knowing what I’m looking for or where I’m going, but hopefully one I will always remember.

I’ve been working in the digital marketing field for the past five years and have finally decided it’s not where my passion truly lies.  In August of 2014, I figured I had two options: get another job sitting in front of a computer for 40+ hours per week, doing the same mindless tasks over and over and over again, or… I could take a leap of faith, pack a bag, and begin a journey around the world, letting new experiences and people I meet help me determine where my passion truly lies.

Friends and family have called it “soul-searching” or “one long vacation”, but to me… it’s a new beginning.  A new chapter in the book that I call life.

This website was developed to chronicle my adventures, my travels, and my experiences that I feel may benefit others in the future.  If nothing else, I hope to inspire those who might be stuck in those same ruts of life that always seem hard to escape.  Here’s to a new beginning, a new chapter… and here’s to you!